ΠδολοÏονία ÏÎ¿Ï Â ÎÏÏοαμεÏÎ¹ÎºÎ±Î½Î¿Ï George Floyd «ÏάγÏÏε» Ïον ÏλανήÏη ο οÏÎ¿Î¯Î¿Ï ÏαÏÎ±ÎºÎ¿Î»Î¿Ï Î¸ÎµÎ¯ ÏÎ¹Ï ÎµÎ¾ÎµÎ»Î¯Î¾ÎµÎ¹Ï Î³ÏÏÏ Î±ÏÏ Ïην Ï ÏÏθεÏη. Î 46ÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¿Ï Â«ÎÏβηÏε» ÏÏην άÏÏαλÏο αÏÏ Ïο γÏναÏο ενÏÏ Î±ÏÏÏ Î½Î¿Î¼Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï, ÏÎ¿Ï ÎÏÎÏεκ ΤÏÏβιν, ο οÏÎ¿Î¯Î¿Ï Ïον ακινηÏοÏοίηÏε και Ïον ÏίεÏε ÏÏο Î»Î±Î¹Î¼Ï Î¼ÎÏÏι θανάÏÎ¿Ï .
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ÎνάμεÏα ÏÎ¿Ï Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ η Reese Witherspoon. ΠηθοÏοιÏÏ, μÎÏÏ Î¼Î¹Î±Ï Î±Î½Î¬ÏÏηÏÎ·Ï ÏÎ¿Ï Îκανε ÏÏον ÏÏοÏÏÏÎ¹ÎºÏ ÏÎ·Ï Î»Î¿Î³Î±ÏιαÏÎ¼Ï ÏÏο Instagram, αÏÎ¿ÎºÎ¬Î»Ï Ïε ÏÏι αναγκάÏÏηκε να μιλήÏει ÏÏον 7ÏÏονο γιο ÏηÏ, Tennessee James Toth, για Ïη δολοÏονία ÏÎ¿Ï George Floyd και ζήÏηÏε δημÏÏια αÏÏ ÏÎ»Î¿Ï Ï ÏÎ¿Ï Ï Î³Î¿Î½ÎµÎ¯Ï, να μιλήÏÎ¿Ï Î½ ÏÏα Ïαιδιά ÏÎ¿Ï Ï Î³Î¹Î± Ïον ÏαÏÏιÏμÏ, Ïη βία και Ïο ÏαναÏιÏÎ¼Ï ÏÏιν ÏÏολάβει να Ïο κάνει κάÏÎ¿Î¹Î¿Ï Î¬Î»Î»Î¿Ï.
ΠανάÏÏηÏη ÏÎ·Ï Reese Witherspoon
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Το να είÏαι μια Î»ÎµÏ ÎºÎ® μηÏÎÏα ÏÎ¿Ï ÏÏοÏÏαθεί να εξηγήÏει Ïον ÏαÏÏιÏÎ¼Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ Ïον ÏαναÏιÏÎ¼Ï ÏÏο Î»ÎµÏ ÎºÏ ÏÎ¿Ï Î³Î¹Î¿, ο οÏÎ¿Î¯Î¿Ï Î´ÎµÎ½ καÏάλαβε γιαÏί κάÏÎ¿Î¹Î¿Ï Î¸Î± ÏÏ Î¼ÏεÏιÏεÏÏÏαν ÎÏÏι Ïε Îναν άλλο άνθÏÏÏο, ήÏαν θλιβεÏÏ.
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Îλοι αναÏνÎÎ¿Ï Î¼Îµ Ïον ίδιο αÎÏα. Îλοι ÎÏÎ¿Ï Î¼Îµ Ïο ίδιο αίμα. Îλλά η ÏÏαγμαÏικÏÏηÏα δεν είναι Î±Ï Ïή ÏÏÏÏ Î´Î¹Î±ÏίÏÏÏÏα μεγαλÏνονÏαÏ», ÎγÏαÏε η ηθοÏοιÏÏ ÏÏη λεζάνÏα ÏÎ·Ï ÏÏÏογÏαÏÎ¯Î±Ï ÏÎ¿Ï Î´Î·Î¼Î¿ÏÎ¯ÎµÏ Ïε και ÏÏÏÏθεÏε «Îεν Ïο θÎÎ»Ï Î±Ï ÏÏ Î³Î¹Î± Ïα Ïαιδιά Î¼Î¿Ï , οÏÏε για Ïα δικά ÏαÏ. Î ÏÎÏει να είμαÏÏε Ï ÏεÏÎ¸Ï Î½Î¿Î¹ για Ï, Ïι ÏÏ Î¼Î²Î±Î¯Î½ÎµÎ¹ Ïε Î±Ï Ïήν Ïη ÏÏÏα. Îια Î±Ï ÏÏ ÏÎ¿Ï ÏÏ Î½Îβη ÏÏÎ¿Ï Ï George Floyd και Breonna Taylor και Ahmaud Arbery â και αμÎÏÏηÏÎ¿Ï Ï Î¬Î»Î»Î¿Ï Ï â δεν μÏοÏεί να μην Ï ÏάÏξει δικαιοÏÏνη.
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Last night at dinner, my 7-year-old asked why all the grown ups were so upset. We spoke to him about what happened to George Floyd. Being a white mother trying to explain racism and bigotry to her white son, who did not understand why anyone would treat another human being that way, was heartbreaking. But not nearly as heartbreaking as being a victim of one of these senseless, violent, unconscionable crimes. Not nearly as heartbreaking as being one of the families who have experienced loss and harassment and discrimination daily. Not nearly as heartbreaking as being a mother who lives in fear of what will happen to her children in this world. I grew up going to church. We were taught that we were all the same in the eyes of God. We all breathe the same air. We all bleed the same blood. But that is not what I grew up seeing. It was as hard for me to reconcile the difference between what I was taught in church and what I see in the world. I donât want that for my kids. Or for yours. We have to be held accountable for what is happening in this country. What happened to George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery – and countless others – can not go without justice. Please talk to your children about racism, privilege, bigotry and hate. If you arenât talking to them, someone else is. Regarding comments: I urge you to share this space for meaningful discussion, not hate. There is enough hate in the world. I hope this can be a space for discussion, understanding, growth and LOVE. We all need more of that.