Τετάρτη , 12 Φεβρουάριος 2025

Legal provision blocking communication authority from informing people they are being tracked is unconstitutional, says Andoulakis

PASOK-KINAL party leader Nikos Androulakis submitted a request on Monday to the Council of State, Greece’s highest administrative court, to render a legal provision, which blocks the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security & Privacy (ADAE) from informing those who are being tracked by the National Intelligence Service (EYP), as unconstitutional.

Beyond being unconstitutional, legislation 4790/2021 also runs against both the European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, stressed Androulakis.

This law “should have been voided from the moment my tracking became known,” Androulakis noted.

Androulakis had requested that ADAE provide him with information about him being tracked, which was rejected.
